Friday, February 17, 2012

Never Been This Busy

Seriously.... I've never been this busy at work before. Was working like non-stop the whole day starting from 9am - til the final meeting that ended at 7.12pm. Starts my day by briefing the chosen model for up coming photo shoots. Three sessions all together and in mind still having at least 3-4 task to be completed by the end of the day.

Currently on hand, I have like 5 major projects that needed serious planning by next week and time is running like soon. Thankfully luck is with me today as I am able to get everything done smoothly as planned except for a major rejection by a group of candidates.  ... well .... welcome to reality.... nothing is good as it looks right...

Needed to rush a couple more task by tomorrow to make sure I enjoy the rest of my weekend without stress. Yea.. talking bout weekends, kinda had a slight plans of what to do for this week and next week..

As for tonite, didn't follow the usual routine to pasar malam but instead tried out sumthing new... will share it soon...


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