Monday, August 3, 2009

Unhealthy Habits

Found this unhealthy habits that I think I need to change... Into a much healthier life now... r u wit me? Come on...1-2...1-2...

Unhealthy habit # 1 – Sleeping less
Fatigue is a feeling associate with lack of sleep. Being tired most of the time causes you to eat indiscriminately, drive recklessly, and be very irritable even in mild situations. Get at least eight hours of sleep per night.

Unhealthy habit # 2 – Too much sugar
A high glycemic index is associated with foods that contain lots of sugar. This will quickly increase your blood sugar and give you quick energy bursts. This however, will not last for long, and when the sugar is gone, you will feel a debilitating exhaustion. Eat healthy snacks like fiber rich crackers or fruit.

Unhealthy habit # 3 – Being a worry wart
Worrying about something that we cannot do something about will only do us more damage than good. If we have a problem, try to solve it with a proactive stance; if it can’t be solved, simply forget about it, after all, you can’t do anything about it anyway.

Unhealthy habit # 4 – Exercising less
Many health conditions like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and arthritis are all linked to a sedentary lifestyle. Your body is made to move and so get moving to avoid these health conditions while increasing your energy level and reducing stress. At least thirty minutes of physical activity per day will do the job. Brisk walking can be enough for most people who have no time for, or prefer to avoid the gym.

Unhealthy habit # 5 – Forgetting the floss
Food particles in between your teeth don’t only damage your teeth, but also your gums. Gum infections can lead to heart disease, so floss at least once a day and stay away from heart disease.

Unhealthy habit # 6 – Fizzy soft drinks
14% of an average American adult’s calorie and energy intake comes from sodas. This can be very disturbing especially for those watching their sugar levels and their weight. Go for the healthy alternative – water or low fat milk, or even flavored waters if you insist on getting that soda buzz.

Unhealthy habit #7 – Hurried meals
Eating in a hurry can cause poor digestion and overeating. Enjoy meal time, sit at the table, relax, listen to some music, and mind your food – mind your body too, it will tell you when you are already full.

Unhealthy habit # 8 – Overtime work
Do not live to work, work to live. The figures of overworked Americans have doubled in the past 20 years. Keep your work at the workplace, and have some extra quality time for yourself and your family.

Unhealthy habit # 9 – Chowing down on food that are made of stuff with names that sound like hieroglyphics
Check the labels of the food you eat. If you notice that the item you have has a long list of ingredients that sound like they came from a post-graduate chemistry lecture, put that item down. Eat more fresh and natural foods.

Unhealthy habit # 10 – Smoking
Cigarette smoking equals death. Half a million Americans die each year from smoking-related health conditions. Other than just the health risks, smoking can also decrease your lung capacity and prevent you from doing healthy activities like biking, trekking, jogging, and walking. Find some peer or professional support and get rid of this bad habit.

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