Friday, December 21, 2012

Ending.....and A New Beginning

21st December 2012 which is supposed to be the end of the world.....somehow manage to get everyone's attention and becoming the topic of the day.... Well, I don't really care too much bout it as I am not scared if it happens because if it ends without having me to decide how....

And it didn't happen today.... But something inside me died....the passion for my work....its been a busy week for the last 3 weeks and not happy over the last event I'm involved in... And yea....someone got promoted

It's not because I'm jealous of him getting the promotion but I just felt's not a necessary thing... We have two senior staff already and they just got promoted last year and what's the point to have another senior of a year plus with the company? It's weird and yea...I just felt I'm useless because even I do more than people, if you do not know how to make the upper management see one will!!

Getting tired of this kinda situation, I felt like giving up....wanted to resign and do some small business...and if it fails.... That's it....:(

Life's not so never does.... Shame on me

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Like This

No love can hurt as much as the love that can never be and no thought can hurt as much as the thought of a love that could have been.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

They say if you work hard people will notice you, but I think no matter how hard I've worked... people still thinks that they've work harder than I do and only those who knows how to grab the credits wins..... Reality.... F u....

Monday, December 10, 2012

Still here

Yea am still here alive.... Jz busy n there's another week to go before I can really enjoy my usual weekends again n Xmas n New Years..... N er.... End of the world maybe....