Friday, February 10, 2012

It's A Friday Night

Yeap... it's a friday nite again... lovin' this week cuz it pass by so quickly and I'm kinda busy with work making the time at office pass by fast too..

Another event coming up on Monday and will be back for some set up on Sunday evening >.<|| (Oh my lazy Sunday)


I guess everyone around me seems to possess a smart phone and for me it's iPhone and been taking quite a lot of photo with it... the space of my phone is getting less and less and it's time to clean up some photo to make spaces for the new ones...

Surprisingly there's lots of photo that I might have forgotten and bring back memories too..

 Angry bird drawing by Jayne...  I miss the time when we hang out.. she's the one where I can talk to and express most of my feeling...
 This is what she used to call me back then when I am not happy and had a bad face on.. o.0
 She's the one who brings me to Strait Quay as well... we're out for work duty but left early and enjoy some time there enjoying coffee and cake.. :D

Now that we don't work at the same place anymore... we don't really hang out jor... hopefully we still have chance to hang out la..

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