Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Beauty Of Admiring

Before I start to 'nag' about today, would like to share some photo... Went to Japin last Sunday after movie... I always have difficulty of deciding what to eat so went to Japin but kinda disappointed with the food...


So what about today.... Work starts even before I went out from my house... receive a sms from Joel to remind the models not to be late and that's what I did...a couple of minutes later, Vincent replied and said that he can only make it at 11am instead of the plan..9am

1 model down and I don't have time to look for anyone for replacement... fortunately luck is with me.. I'm able to get someone in the end... everything after that goes well... about 3 batches of model for today's photo shooting and they all look great... the junior ones look a little...well.... junior LOL..lack of experience but still able to gif a good job done.

Good looking model does make people lock onto them and even admire them... and the beauty of admiring is getting those adrenaline rush all over you... a very complicated feeling that is hard to explain but feels good... I believe everyone love this kinda feeling but of cuz not in a bad way...

Doesn't mean that I fall in love with them or anything like that but just an admire feeling which makes you imagine

If only.........
What if....

PS// One thing I hate about straight guys.. they are so 'hamsap' .... insisting female models to strip to their tube with white cloth around them.... 'Jin Kak'... so a job for being a P guy there is to take care of 'Ji Mui' :P

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