Monday, February 6, 2012

8 Best Thing About 2011

Yea I know that 2011 was way so over and to review the year now it kinda late since it's already February but hey... better than never rite :P

I guess the first half of the year was not much different from the previous year. Not enjoying every bit of my life or what so ever. Never mind bout that as this entry is about the good and best thing of 2011.
So what's good about 2011 for me? Let's see...

1. East Coast Work/Trip
So my job requires me to travel to the east coast for about a week. Kelantan and Terengganu is the few states that I never thought I will go for a trip if it's not for my work. Anyway at first I am having a hard time thinking that I will be spending a week there. It suddenly felt like I'm gonna be disconnected from the world. LOL

But things turn out not that bad instead I have fun. Having to stayin hotel with Wi-Fi, breakfast served every morning and the best is I don't have to drive :D And talking bout that , we were so afraid/excited to actually bump into elephants on the way there... yea it's a wild jungle there on the highways...

 The beaches there are so different from the one in Penang. It's super clean, wide and look at the's DEEP. Yea jz look at the colors...

2. A New Start, A New Job
Leaving the old company is like getting a new life for me, a new breathe that really put the pumps back into my hearts. Everything seems to be so good about this new company and I can see myself grow here and so much more to learn.

Been involved with several events and meet lots of people from the industries that I never thought I would one day met them. To highlight a few was meeting and  working along with Eric Leong which is one of the celebrity Interior Designer. Another is to be involved in the 1st 3D Anamorphic in Penang.

3. Photo Outing
As much interest I have for photography, I have never been for any photo shooting outing. But in July 2011, with the help of Wendy who is the model we went to The Peranakan Mansion. Originally wanted to go for Blue Mansion but since they are charging too high for it, we went to Peranakan instead. It's my first time there too and I had lots of fun and end up filling up my 4GB CF card.

It's been a great experience for me and kinda satisfied with the outcome.

 Met this guy who is a famous food critics from HK. He was there on that day and allows us to take a photo with him.How do I spell his name? erm... Tou Tou?

4. Back to the Gym

I have to say I am putting a lot of weight since I stop gym-ing about 2 years ago.The people in the new office all looks so good that I knew I should somehow need to be as good as them in order to boost up my confident in me. So I am now officially back to gym for... (let's see...count count).. 7 months now and are doing good to lose some weight.

Those shorts that are to tight now fits well :D... When I look good... I feel good too....

5. Singapore Re-Visits

Visited Singapore in 2010 and fall in love with the city. It's super clean, safe with fun & excitement everywhere. Went there with mum, sis and Bie so for 2011... since I didn't planned for travel, me & Bie went for Singapore again since we believe there's more to explore..

It's a great vacation and am so lucky that Lion King: The Theater are still showing. It was costly but hey it's once in a life time chance for this k... :P Ahh I miss my time there...

My first Musical Theater Show
My Fav animal 
 What's better than watching half-naked guy surfing the waves and enjoying lunch

6. A Visit From Down Under

November, Lana visits Penang. Joined dad and aunt Alice to bring them around Penang. First time meeting up with Lana's husband Shawn. He is a big guy and looks like the biker bully but when I get to know him more... he is just a big child inside... Can't wait for my visit to Melbourne in October 2012.

7. Wedding : Venus
A week before Christmas, Venus a friend of mine got married. This couple is very special because they have been dating for like 14 years!!!! Wooot..... First Love and now getting married...

A very special wedding ceremony as the Bridegroom and Bride dance their way into the ballroom. Felt touching with the photo of them growing since 13 years old til current and the video of Venus crying when her husband proposes to her. It makes everyone the wanted to get marry lor..including me LOL

8. Secret Santa
Merry Christmas!!!! Yea 2011 Xmas is kinda fun cuz instead of exchanging present with family members... I got to be the secret santa in the office. With a budget of RM20, we got to buy gifts for the person you're assigned to from the name draw. I got the easy ones.... Junk Foodssss....

Love my present alot... I got an Angry Bird plastic glass, a Doodolls pillows and a key chain.

That's it... the best thing in 2011... of course there's more but this are the few that is special enuf for me. Lots of first times and once in a life time memories... 2012 is gonna be a blast as I already have like 7 best thing on the list and it's only Feb!!...

Wish all of you have a great year ahead!

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