Thursday, February 9, 2012

Steam The Boat @ Cindy's

Never mind bout the #7 thingy... It's all over for now...


 So on day 6 of CNY, went to Cindy's house for a gathering. Met up with Wilbur, Wei Nee & Joel then starts our journey to Butterworth... It was a smooth journey as there's no traffic jam like usual.. When we reach, Han is already there while Cindy is preparing the food.. we're having steamboat..seems like it's a must every CNY... While waiting for Wei Ping and Kathy to arrive, we enjoy some popcorns & longan drinks first.

Longan syrup mix with Shandy
Can't remember who bring this..
So once everyone is there... we starts to 'steam the boat'
Taiwan Sausage.. my fav!!!

After enjoying the whole steamboat session, it's time for some photo mania.. while waiting for Cindy to get prepare and time for movie.

Kathy the Princess

Went for All Well Ends Well 2012 after that at around 9.35pm. That's it for day 6... as for the previous days... o.0 check the back post... All I have to say is..the mood for CNY 2012 came a little too late for me...

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